September 12, 2009


"Many people dismiss the notion of other dimensions to our life as mere imagination. However, as those who do not have the conventional five senses can testify, there are many more ways of understanding the world. Imagination is one of them, a faculty we should not dismiss as mere fantasy... Imagination is the ability to experience the world other than by our five senses. It is the ability to experience aspects of the world we would not normally be able to encounter...Without imagination, we cannot transcend our material existence.
A true realisation of this comes when our inner sacred grove begins to grow. There comes a point when we realise that the place is real and has an independant existence. We might gain access to it through our thoughts, but it is not something that we have created...Our discovery of it is, in fact, a rediscovery of something with which we have always been linked." (ref: White and Talboys, 2005)

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