August 6, 2009

Who watches over us?

In Norse mythology, a fylgia is a supernatual being who accompanies a person and is connected to their fate or fortune. Usually, it appears in animal form but can also appear in human form- normally the opposite sex of the person concerned. Fylgia or fetch are bound to a specific person for life and act as a guardian spirit.

In Ancient Greece, the daemons were divided into good and bad categories. The good would watch over humans and keep them out of trouble. Christian writers used this term and applied it to demons - nasty spirits associated with the devil.

Jung applied the terms anima/animus. For a female, her animus is in male form and represented the true inner self of an individual. It is the totality of the unconscious masculine psychological qualities possessed by a female. It manifests itself in dreams and also in how women relate to men and vice versa. This may be an over simplification - but I am still weary of Jung!

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