July 31, 2009

What the Roman says

"Augury and divination by lot no people practise more diligently. The use of the lots is simple. A little bough is lopped off a fruit-bearing tree, and cut into small pieces; these are distinguished by certain marks, and thrown carelessly and at random over a white garment. In public questions the priest of the particular state, in private the father of the family, invokes the gods, and, with his eyes towards heaven, takes up each piece three times, and finds in them a meaning according to the mark previously impressed on them. If they prove unfavourable, there is no further consultation that day about the matter; if they sanction it, the confirmation of augury is still required." (Germania)
Tacitus' account describes the divination practices of the ancient Germanic tribes. Presently, there are many schools of thought and practice concerning the runes. Many people have published works and claim to have access to the 'real' magic if you simply join their organisation. In the short time I have used the runes, I have come to believe that the truth lies within oneself. The trick of course, is learning to believe what you intuitively know. Learning to tame the ego who shouts, "No! No!, Listen to me... I know the truth". Time and time again, the runes have proven to me that I should consult, consider, question and think. Then put all that aside, because I really do know the right answer to the question.

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