February 28, 2010


se·cu·ri·ty (sĭ-kyŏŏr'ĭ-tē) noun
1.Freedom from risk or danger; safety.
2.Freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear; confidence.

Finding out our basic motivations is a long process of awakening self-awareness. We watch and take note of our actions and responses, of emotion triggered and expressed, of any circumstance that evokes energy. We start to listen to the messages our physical body is giving us - pockets of tension, knots that tighten, shakes and twitches, internal and external. We learn to break through the barriers of our pride and know the ways in which we - so skilfully- fool ourselves.
...at some point we will come across the blocking assumption which seems to sum up our whole lifetime, explaining every mistake and self-negation in its dreadful repeating pattern. It's not only a fact based upon some occurrence and adorned with attitudes which are our protective decisions... Perhaps these are the very reasons why we have chosen to incarnate: this pattern must be broekn. Only when we start to understand which motivations we hold deep inside us can we begin to live effectively, consciously creating our reality, evading erratic and destructive landslides.
(Ref: Restall Orr)

February 22, 2010

always indulge

anger and letting go

"From fear we can either slip and grab back on, or else we can allow the energy to rise up to where it shifts inot the next emotion: anger, anger at our weakness and our lack of directed progress, anger at the vulnerability that we see withing ourselves or witness around us. But the expression of our anger can be frightening and our energy can fall again, back into our fear.

Only when we start to understand which motivations we hold deep inside us can we begin to live effectively, conscioulsy creating our reality, evading the erratic and destructive landslides." (ref: Restall Orr)

February 20, 2010

chasing tails

"...we need to have a sense of personal satisfaction. Without this, we stagnate. The paradox within this issue is that of wanting to progress, to experience growth through tanglible results, but at the same time we want a life of ease and freedom. It's summed up in the problem of not wanting to do, yet wanting to have done...

In the natural world this paradox is addressed with ease. There is an instinctive understanding as to when to haul in and when to wander out and discover new territory. But in our human psyche, our self-consciousness, which gives us an awareness of our circumstances and the anticiapation, leads us to chase our tail round and round, mentally tying ourselves in knots. Leaping at our tails, we bite down - and wonder at the excruciating pain." (ref: Restall Orr)

February 8, 2010

my fear

February 7, 2010



"When someone goes to the other world he's looking for recipes to bring back into this world in order to make it more pleasurable there." (Malidona Patrice Some)

"The only way that people from the western type of upbringing can appreciate the idea of spirits or gods is to experience them by feeling or seeing them. It is the only way. No explanation will do." (Miguel A Kavlin)

(ref: Shamanic Wisdomkeepers)



And so today I build my own roadways from there to there and back, where I enjoy the advantage of living in two worlds at once - the mundane world and the world 'out-there' where the sun never sets and adventure lurks in every breath, where destiny and free-will meet, and like past and future are irrevocably wedded.
(ref: Eileen Garrett)

February 6, 2010


sometimes we are wise enough to know.
it is the inherent knowledge passed to us.
we step confidently and know that we will not fall.
the past guides us as we look to the present.

and then at other times, we are challenged.
not sure how or when to step forward.
in competition with our ego.
the fight can rage for some time until there is a winner.
but the real winner is the one who has the courage and strength -
that which she knows she already posseses.

February 3, 2010


And then they suddenly came to the wood. It was not far from their cottage, at the back. It looked quite an ordinary wood, except the trees were a darker green than usual.
"It's a magic wood!" said Fanny suddenly.
They stood beneath the trees and peered about. Small freckles of of sunshine lay here and there on the ground, but not many, for the trees were thick.
"It really is magic!" said Fanny. "I can feel magic about somewhere, can't you, Bessie? Can't you, Jo?"
"Yes," said the others...
(ref: Blyton, The Enchanted Wood)