To you alone it is given to know the truth about the gods and deities of the sky... The innermosat groves of far-off forests are your abodes. And it is you who say that the shades of the dead seek not the silent lands
of Erebus and the pale halls of Pluto; rather, you tell us that the same spirit has a body again elsewhere, and that death, if what you sing is true, is but the mid-point of long life.
(Lucan, Pharsalia, c.AD600)
"Divination... need not be simple fortune-telling...It can be an effective means of revealing hidden dynamics- whether they are in oneself or within a relationship, or within a group. Divination then becomes a means of gaining self-knowledge and a deeper understanding of the hidden causes behind appearances. Seen in this way it becomes yet another way that we can try to go beyond the surface, to plumb the depths, to look at causes rather than effects." (ref: Carr-Gomm, 2002)